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Interactive maps are a great way to understand fast. Here are some examples.

Maps: Quote


Population Density, Median Home Value, Housing Affordability, Diversity Index

Demographics Dashboard screenshot

This dashboard provides immediate data for the following average values within the visible map: Population density (people per square mile), median home value, housing affordability index (a comparison of median home prices and median income), and diversity index. As you move the map, these values automatically update.


Clicking the map shows this information for a much more specific area (the census "block group").

Maps: Demographics Dashboard
Maps: Quote



Interactive Maps, Interactive Filters

US Cities Esri Story Map screenshot.PNG
US Cities Power BI screenshot Oakland se

Wikipedia provides a list of the 317 largest cities in the United States of America (US cities with population of 100,000 people or more). 


Showing those cities on a map, and symbolizing the cities by population, or geographical area, or by density, makes it possible to understand fast where there are differences across the country.


Interactive filters, and an accompanying dashboard, makes it possible to understand fast how a city compares with its peers.

Maps: Large US Cities
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